Organized Power in Numbers


Organized Power In Numbers, formerly known as Unemployed Workers United, combines tried and true organizing with top-of-the-line data and digital tools to build worker power in the South and Southwest and to level up campaigns that reach millions. We use online and offline base building and organizing strategies, comprehensive campaigns, strategic litigation and communications, leadership development, and policy advocacy to improve the conditions of workersʼ lives and promote democratic engagement at the local, state, and national levels, with a focus on the South and Southwest. In addition to running our own campaigns, we act as a “public utility” to power the campaigns and outreach efforts of others, supporting partners with lead generation, campaign strategy, and the implementation of outreach and organizing.

A squiggly line

Working primarily in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, Organized Power in Numbers is partnering with communities to leverage the massive influx of federal infrastructure dollars to ensure it is implemented equitably for working-class communities of color in the Southwest. In service of this goal, they are building climate-resilient infrastructure in the epicenter of the fossil fuel industry, advocating for the highest possible enforceable labor standards, creating accessible green energy-focused workforce development pipelines to ensure the creation of a skilled workforce that reflects local communities at the margins of the economy, and building long term progressive power through engagement with masses of people and co-governance with progressive local elected officials.